Vor localizer
Vor localizer

Then unpack LOCALIZER in your desired location. Make sure LOCALIZER has the permission to execute. Both are already provided in the LOCALIZER distribution to ensure that compatible versions are used.


When flying an ILS, you track the line formed by the intersection of the glide slope and localizer courses. To get LOCALIZER to work on your local machine, you need to install the EMBOSS and WEKA softwares from source. You should observe the initial downward movement of the indicator and lead the descent to intercept the glide slope centerline accordingly.

vor localizer

Since your aircraft is usually below the glide slope during the intermediate approach segment, the glide slope indicator will display a full-up needle deflection. This point may or may not be at the middle marker. Although you may reach the decision height at or near the middle marker, the charted MAP for an ILS approach is the point where the glide slope intercepts the decsion height. If you maintain the glide slope for an approach, you should reach the decision height at approximately the middle marker. For the same glide slope angle (usually 3°), you will need a lower rate of descent as your groundspeed decreases, and vice versa. The rate of descent you should maintain primarily depends on your groundspeed. The glide slope gives you vertical guidance on the final approach course. This applies regardless of your direction of travel, whether inbound or outbound on either the front or back course. With an HSI, you can avoid reverse sensing by setting the published front course under the course index. Reverse sensing occurs inbound on the back course and outbound on the front course. Mick Kaufman When I first got acquainted with autopilots, they were referred to by the pilots that flew them as, George. When using a basic VOR indicator, normal sensing occurs inbound on the front course and outbound on the back course. Which George Is Steering The Airplane Posted on Januby mwflyer. This provides the information regarding your alignment with the runway centerline. To help you determine your distance from the runway, the ILS installation may provide DME fixes or marker beacons located along the ILS approach path. You recieve guidance information from ground-based localizer and glide slope transmitters. The ILS installation is made up of several components.

Vor localizer